Saturday, July 7, 2012

Catching up.....

Hey guys!  I hope you guys have had a wonderful week!  We have been super busy! We went to visit some family, and then a took a couple of days to do some much needed cleaning and organizing in my house!  I also ran in my very first 10K race!  The Peachtree Road Race is a HUGE race held in Atlanta each Fourth of July!  About 60,000 people participate.  I had not trained very well, but I decided to do it anyway.  It was so much fun. I finished it in the time goal that I set for myself. I ran about half of it, and then ran/walked the rest.  Here is the group of people that I ran it with!  I definitely want to do it again!

Well....I had not been on my blog in about a week!  What a nice surprise to get on and see that I now have 101 followers!!!!  You all are awesome, and I am working on a pretty big give away to celebrate this milestone:) Be on the look out for that in the next week! 

Back to school will be here before we know it!  I went to Wal-Mart yesterday, and they are already putting out school supplies!  Can you believe that?!?   Some of you probably read my post about the back to school gift labels. I blogged about some back to school gift labels to go with a gift for the students at open house.  You can give the students addition or multiplication flash cards with a label that either reads "I hope this ADDS up to be a great year" or "We will have some fun TIMES this year!" Well, I starting thinking this week, "Duh, Britney!  It would have been helpful to create some flashcards to go with these labels"!  I can't believe I didn't think of that before!  This way, instead of buying a set of flashcards for each student, you can just download them from my TpT store!  This way you only spend $5, and you can make as many copies as you need instead of spending about $20 on flashcards for the whole class!  You can download the labels here (they are FREE)and the flash cards here.  I made addition and multiplication flashcards, however, I had some trouble uploading the multiplication ones. The addition cards are on there and ready to download! I will have the multiplication ones up by tomorrow! 

Have a great day everyone:)


  1. Congratulations on the 10k! Especially during this heat wave. :) It had been so hot, I don't even want to walk around the block. Lol. And you met your goal! Good job!

  2. Congratulations!! That is a wonderful accomplishment!! I've only done a 5k so I know how tedious a 10k must've been. You go girl! :)
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  3. your page looks awesome congrats on 100 id love to participate if you plan on doig a your newest follower...drop by =)

    Just Wild About Teaching
