Saturday, October 6, 2012

Produt Swap

I am so excited about the 2nd Product Swap! The last one that we had was a lot of fun! I loved looking at all of the amazing products that people have created! So, let's get started! 
I had the privilege of reviewing a product from Cassandra.
She has such a fun blog!  You should definitely check it out! 
She also has some really great items in her TPT store!  I chose her Halloween Literacy Super Pack.
There is a lot included in this pack! 
There are Halloween themed writing prompts, really cute writing paper, and words on a ghost template.  You could have these ghost words at a writing center, and the students can choose these good, interesting words to use in their writing. 
Also Included included are:
*Two acrostic poem templates
*Making Words (Students make as many words as they can from the words "Halloween Night"
*Two recipes to make with your class (kids always LOVE that....they are engaged right away if they know your are making a recipe)
*How to writing template for students to complete after you make the recipe.
You should definitely check out this amazing product:)  You can pick it up from her store by clicking here.  Normally this product is only $3.50, but it will be on sale today! 
Don't forget to check out her blog by clicking on the links above!! 
Happy Browsing:)


Sunday, September 23, 2012

It's Fall Ya'll!!

Ok...pardon the southerness of that title, but hey, I'm from Georgia! I think I have said it before..I LOVE fall!  Since it is officially here....I thought I would have a sale to celebrate!! 

Beginning tomorrow all items in my store will be 20% off.  The sale will end on September 26th at midnight!
Enjoy:)  Have a great week!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Morning Work Idea

So, I am going to be very honest here!  I have been completely overwhelmed learning a new grade level!  I taught third grade for five years, and I knew the curriculum and the kids so well.  I could predict the mistakes they would make and misconceptions they would have, so I would plan for that in my lessons.  Not so much in second grade...I am learning the curriculum, so I don't feel like my instruction is as deep as it should be.  And just about everyday I have been completely surprised by a misconception that my kids have.  They are very sweet kids, and I love that I don't have all the testing demands that I did in third grade!  I am just learning, so it is a bit overwhelming!  Sorry...I just had to get that off my chest!  I have been struggling with it all week:) 

I did want to share something that is going well in my room. I made this page for morning work. 

I included five problems that I feel like students need consistent practice with.  I made a math board for the problems.  However, if you have a smart board or promethean board, you could project this on there, and just change the problems each day. 
Here is a description of each problem:
1.  An open number line-give the students an addition problem.  They use the open number line to solve the number sentence.  The open number line is great because it gets kids to practice mentally adding tens and ones in their brain, and they don't have to use the traditional regrouping algorithm. I started with just adding one digit numbers on a number line, and I will move to two digits soon.
2.  A chart that the students complete for place value. The chart includes standard form, word form, expanded form, and base ten model.  I give one part of the chart each day, and the students have to coplete the other. 
3.  On the third problem the students have to balance an equation. For example 5 + 4 = _____ + 6.  I included the visual of a scale so that they remember that each side has to equal the same thing. Right now we are just using one digit numbers.  As the year goes on, I will include two digit numbers.  
4. Number four is a space to solve a daily word problem. My school uses a program called Target The Question. They have a word problem each week.  Each day of the week the students answer a different question about the problem.  I love it!  I makes them really think about what information they need/don't need when answering questions.   You could use or make up your own though. 
5. The fifth problem is a part/part/whole box.  I fill in two parts and they have to find the missing part.  We have a lot of discussion about related facts/fact families when we go over this problem each day. 
I like this morning work beacuse the students get used to the structure, and these are skills they can practice all year.   As the year goes on, I can just make the problems harder. Depending on your class, you may want to have them do a couple of problems each day. You can totally use your judgement though:)   I started having my students only complete 1-2 one day, and 3-5 the next.  We have worked our way to all five!  I love going over this morning work each day because I feel like we have a lot of rich discussion about the strategies that the students used/could have used.  It has been very helpful to me, so I hope you find it helpful also! 
You can pick up your copy for free by clicking here!  I hope you enjoy!  If you have any questions, let me know!  This all made sense in my head, but if something is confusing, let me know! 
Enjoy your Saturday!!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Giveaway Winner!

Thank you to everyone who entered the giveaway!  The winner is......

Lisa R. !

 I will be emailing you tonight with your prize:)  If you didn't win, you can pick up a copy for only $3.00 by clicking here!   I hope everyone has a happy Friday:)  

Monday, September 10, 2012

Fall Fun Giveaway

I absolutely love fall!  I am so excited about the cool weather, fall scented candles, football,  and fall craft/food festivals!  Oh yeah...and I am excited that Starbucks is serving Pumpkin Spice Lattes again. Ahhhhh! 

 I also love all the fun teaching activities that you can do in the fall.  So, I created a fall themed pack for teaching even and odd numbers.  There is A LoT included in this pack! 

It includes four very hands-on lessons. The students participate in several different sorting activities and games to discover the meaning of even and odd.

The students create a scarecrow glyph (Ex: if  your age is an even number- color the pants blue, if your age is an odd number-color the pants green, etc). After creating the glyph there is a bar graph to create based on the class information collected through the glyphs.  There is also  a slap game included in which students practice quickly recognizing even/odd numbers.
There are three sorting activities.  Students sort leaves and scarecrows into even/odd categories.  Then, they complete a cut and past sort as an assessment.  In additon, there are even and odd vocabulary cards included.
I actually created this pack back in the spring, and did a giveaway then.  However, since fall is officially here, I decided to do a BONUS giveaway!  I will give this pack away to ONE lucky winner on Wednesday.  I will use a random number generator to select the winner! Just leave a comment with your email address to enter the giveaway!

 **I know that several of you have already purchased this product. So, to be fair, if you win the giveaway (and have already purchased this product), you can choose another item in my store of equal or lesser value instead:)** 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Catching up!

Whew!  I can't believe that we are already in the fourth week of school!!  Holy Cow!!!  I have been so busy getting to know my kids and learning the second grade curriculum!  Second grade is soooo different than third grade, but I am loving it so far!  I am working on creating a few things that I wanted to let you know about!  1. I had a request to create the Spin That Number game for numbers to 1,000.  I am hoping to have that done by tomorrow!  2.  I am also working on a morning work packet.  I have been using it in my class, and it has worked really well!  I can't wait to share it with you:)  Look for that next week! 

So I have a fun activity that I wanted to share with you. In math, we have been review place value concepts.  I finished the unit today with one of my favorite activities that I do with my kids each year. A lot of teachers that I work with use this activity, and they always turn out so cute.   I did not come up with this idea, and I'm not sure where it came from, but it would be so simple to recreate if you wanted to! The only materials that you need are paper base ten blocks and construction paper! 

The students use paper base ten blocks to create a base ten creature.  Then, they find the value of their creature, write the value in word form, and then write the value in expanded form.  Here are two examples that my kids did today!  I love seeing how creative they get:) 

Well, that's about it for now! I hope everyone had a great Labor Day weekend:) Have a wonderful week! 

Sunday, August 26, 2012


So as I was writing my lesson plans this week I was looking through some of my place value materials.  I came across a really fun game that I had stashed away in a filing cabinet.  I don't think I have ever used it.  However, the game was designed for students that know numbers to 100,000.  Well, I teach second grade, so that wasn't gonna fly! So, I decided to recreate it. I made the spinner go only to 100, and I added a reflection page for after game play.   Because this is not my original idea, I am offering it to you as a freebie!  I have no idea where I got this game.  So, if you are the creator, please let me know and I will give you total credit!!  Here is my version:)

Spin That Number! 

The students spin the spinner six times.  Each time they spin, they place a tally mark under what they landed on.  Then, at the end of the round, the student with the highest total number wins the round. They play six rounds, and then complete the reflection page:)  Click here to get your free copy!

Friday, August 24, 2012

They. Are. Finished!

Hey guys!! I have been soooo busy at school, and haven't had a minute to blog recently! I have missed it:( I hope you guys are doing great!  I have also been super busy finishing the 1st grade ELA Common Core "I Can" statements! They are finally up and ready to purchase!

The pack includes 3 files:
1. A Teacher Resource List comparing the CCS to "I Can" Statements

2. Kid friendly "I Can" statements that you can post in your classroom. They are colorful, and key words in the standards are hilighted to make them easier to discuss with your students:) 

3. An Excel spreadsheet that you can use to keep track of student progress on each ELA standard. It is editable, so you can change it and add your kids' names to it. 
Because I promised I would have them done by the back to school sale and didn't, they are 20% off right now!  They are normally $6.00, but you can grab yours for $4.80 until tomorrow at midnight by clicking here! This is the first grade pack!  My friend Mandy is selling the 2nd grade, and she is working on the 3rd grade ones!  Enjoy!!
Have a wonderful FrIdAy!!!  (I appreciate Fridays so much more now that school has started!!)

Saturday, August 11, 2012

It's that time!!!!!  The TpT Back to school sale is here!  It will begin tomorrow, and I am VeRy excited:) 

All of the items in my store will be 20% off!!!  In addition, I am offering a free item with a $10 purchase from my store!  Here is how that will work:

1. Spend $10 (after sale discounts) in my TpT store
2. Choose a product from my store that is $5 or less. Email me your Tpt username, amount of your purchase, and the product that you would like and you will receive that product for free! 
3. I must receive the email by Tuesday August 14th!

I have been working all day to finish the Common Core "I Can" statements that I have teamed up with Mandy Gregory on!  She is working on the third grade ones, and I am almost finished with the first grade ones!  Here is alittle preview of those!  I am almost finished with mine, and they will definitely be up for the sale tomorrow!!  Here are a couple of previews!!

This part is a teacher resource.  All of the ELA standards listed and compared to the kid friendly "I Can" Statements.  The headings are color coded for quick reference!  

The second part are the actual kid friendly "I Can" Statements that you can hang in your classroom!

The part that I am still finishing up is an excel spreadsheet for the teacher to use.  The standards are each listed.  You can put in your student's names and keep track of how they are performing on each standard!  It is also color coded for your convenience!  These are the first grade ones!  Mandy Greogory is working on 3rd grade, so check out her store for those!

** I was a little ambitious!** I didn't get the 1st grade common core "I can" statements completely finished!  But, they will be done soon, and I promise to put the on sale when I post them to TpT!!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

New Room!!

I have been up to my eyeballs in laminating film, border, and hot glue for the past four days....but I think my room is all ready for students!! 

This is what my room looks like when you walk in the door!  The tables are set up for our Meet and Greet tomorrow!

Inside the bags are addition flash cards.  The label on the bags says, "I hope this ADDS up to be a great year".  You can get those labels for free at my tpt store. However, the ones in my store are not the sticker label version. I am working on uploading those.  I am trying to make them pretty enough to put on my store, and the labels that I bought are not easy to work with:) I will keep you posted though. Under the bags is a welcome letter from me and information about our class.

The board on the left are the standards.  I bought them from TpT.  The board on the right is for fact fluency.  My kids are going to decorate a crayon box sometime the first week of school. I will post it on the fact fluency board.  Each time they master a new set of facts, they will get a crayon in their box.  You can check that out here

Well, I'm off to get some rest for tomorrow!  Have a great evening:)

Friday, August 3, 2012

One product finished, and one in the works!

Well, my summer has come to an end.  This is my last weekend off:(  Our pre planning starts on Monday.  I'm sad for summer to end, but I'm so excited about teaching second grade!  I have been working in my room a little bit, and I definitely plan to share some of those pictures next week.  I can't wait to browse some blogs and see pictures of all the wonderful classroom ideas out there! 

I have been working hard to get a couple more products out before school starts back. The first one is created to teach a standard that we will be teaching during the first quarter in my county.  According to the common core standards, the students in second grade should produce, expand, and rearrange simple and compound sentences.  So I created this product!

Construction Zone: Students Building Sentences

This product contains three center activities.  All three have a recording sheet that you can use to assess the students. 

Center 1:  Constructing Simple Sentenes- This center contains sentence mats, word cards that are color coded for parts of speech, and recording sheets.  Students place the correct word cards on the sentence mats.  When they have completed all the sentence mats, they record their work on the recording sheets.  This center can be used multiple times because the students can use different word cards to make different sentences each time they use this center. I also think the students will have fun with this one because they can make silly sentences:)

Center 2-Simple and Compound Sort-This center contains eight sentences cards, a sorting mat, and a recording sheet.  Students sort the sentence cards into the correct category, and then they record their work.  

Center 3-Building Compound Sentences-Included in this center are simple sentence cards, conjunction cards, and recording sheets.  The students match up the simple sentences that go together, and combine them with the correct conjunction.  Then, they record the sentences that they made on the recording sheet. 

I think I will get a lot of use out of these centers throughout the year.  If you would like a copy, you can pick up a copy for $5.00 at my teachers pay teachers store!  However, I am going to give away a copy to one winner!  To enter just leave a comment with your email address!  I will choose the winner using a random number generator on Monday night! 

I am also in the process of working on a product that I am very excited about.  Many of you probably follow Mandy Gregory, and I'm sure you read this post about her AmAzInG Common Core "I Can" statements and assessment sheets. Well, she had many requests for a 1st grade and 3rd grade version.  I felt so honored when she asked me to team up with her on these.  She is working on the 3rd grade version, and I am working on the 1st grade version.  I am **hoping** to have these finished by the middle of next week!  I will keep you posted! 

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Product Swap!


Back to school is right around the corner, and we are all wanting to find those must haves for our classroos, right?!? So, several of us bloggers have teamed up for a product swap!   Here is how it works:   We are all paired up with another blogger. We went shopping in their Teachers Pay Teachers store, and chose one product that we wanted a chance to try out in our classroom.  They also chose one of our products! Then, we are reviewing their products on our blog for you!  That way, you can get a preview of all these wonderful products, and decide what you want to pick up before school starts:)  So, let's get started!

I had the privilege of reviewing a product from Lynda's store! She has some really cute items in her store, and she also has a wonderful blog!  I would highly suggest that you follow both her blog and her TpT store so that you can keep up with all of her good stuff:)

Curls and a Smile
The product that I chose from Lynda's store was her Pirate's Gold Math and Literacy Stations! This product is only $7.00, and you get TEN centers and activities:) The directions are very clear and easy to follow...for teachers and students:)  The clipart and fonts are very cute, and I think the pirate theme will get kids excited about these centers!

Here is a picture of everything you will get! Can you believe it?!?!

I can't wait to use this with my second graders! It is perfect for the beginning of the year because the skills in these centers are all skills that incoming second graders and third graders should be able to do!

Included in this pack:

-2 sight word games
-2 contraction games
-1 compound word games
-3 writing prompts
-2 acrostic templates

As I assembled these centers, I took some pictures that I wanted to share with you:)  I'm tellin' ya...these are AwEsOmE!!  

Sight Word/Math Center
The first one is a sight word/math center.  The best thing about this one is that it is differentiated. 

Here is the cover!

Here is the inside

In this center, students choose a sight word.  Then, they read it, write it, and draw a picture of it.  Then, they find the value of the word. This is where the differentiation comes in.  In one version of this center, vowels are worth 5 cents and consonants are worth 1 cent.  In the other version, vowels are worth 10 cents, and vowels are worth 5 cents.  To me, this center alone would be worth the $7.00, but it doesn't end there.......

Contraction Game

Inside of the file folder-recording sheet.  (you could also make a separate copy of this for students to turn in for a grade)

It includes three sets of cards so that students can practice this skill multiple times.

Here are the word cards

In this center, the students sort the word cards into one of two categories-contraction or Not a contraction.  It also includes a recording page.  I put the recording page in a file folder and laminated it, but you could make a copy of that recording page separately for them to turn in for a grade!

Ahoy! A Pirate Contraction Word Game
This is the cover

This is the inside of the file folder. You could use this sheet as an assessment also.   

In this center, the studetns match up the contractions to the two words that make up the contraction. Again, I laminated the recording page, and put it in a file folder. But, you could make a copy of it for the students to turn in for an assessment.  

The Jolly Roger-A Compound Word Game

In this center, the students pick two word cards, combine them to make a compound word, and record the word that they made. 

I hope I was able to show you how awesome this product is!  It is such an awesome deal for only $7.00, and I definitely think it should go on your "must haves" list!  I also hope you will check out the amazing products featured by other bloggers in this product swap. Stop by Mrs. Stanford's class to find other fabulous ideas!!  Happy shopping and product hopping:)   

Friday, July 27, 2012

Tell Me More, Tell Me More

I've had a bit of bloggers block recently.  I just haven't been able to get my mind to think about school recently! I guess I just don't want summer to end:(  So,  I've had a hard time thinking of things to blog about!  I was excited when I found Mrs. Lemon's linky party, and I thought it was too fun to pass up:) I have loved learning more about all of the bloggers who are linked up:) It has been fun to find out some of the things that we all have in common! are some quirky things that you might not know about me! 

1. Ok...this is the oddest thing about me, so I'm just going to start with that.  I can't stand to feel certain things on one side of my body and not the other.  For example, if one hand or foot gets wet I will freak out until the other hand or foot is wet. There it have my permission to to laugh.  I know it's strange. 

2. I never enjoyed reading until about two years ago.Two summers ago, I read The Shack.  I loved it.  After that, I have not been able to get enough.  I always have a book that I am reading.  My favorite author right now is Kristin Hannah.  Her books are so great! 

3.  I am not an animal person. I think they are cute, and I respect people who love their animals like family. But, that's just not me. I have never had a desire for a pet.....even when I was a kid. I hate sharing this information about myself because people always look at me like I'm heartless.  I promise I'm not!!

4. I don't see myself as a picky eater, but there are a few foods that I WILL.NOT.TOUCH.  Beans (except green beans), milk (I even drain the milk out of the spoon when I eat cereal), and jello.  I don't like beans and jello because of the texture.  They just gross me out.  I'm not sure why I don't like milk.  It has just always made me gag. 

5. I love the show Family Feud (I'm watching it now...that's what made me think of this).  It is filmed in Atlanta, so I'm trying to talk my family into auditioning.  We will see:) 

Now....I think you all should go link up so that I can learn some things about you:)  Happy Friday!!

Friday, July 20, 2012

And The Winner Is....

Thank you all so much for joining my giveaway!  The lucky winner was Patti!!

I'm sorry to all those that didn't win:(  BUT, I still wanted to show everyone else how much I love you, so for today only, the holiday line plot bundle will be on sale for $10 instead of $20.  That sale will end tonight at midnight, and the bundle will go back to $20!  Enjoy:)  Well, we are on vacation, so I'm going to get back to that!!  Have a great day!

Monday, July 16, 2012

100 Follower Celebration!!

Wow!  I can't believe it!  I started my little blog back in April.  I was ThRiLlEd when I reached 50 followers.  Now I am at 100!!!  I am so excited:)  I think that calls for a celebration!!!  Here is the deal: 

I have been working on the product that I am giving away ALL. SUMMER.LONG!  I am very proud of it, and I can't wait to use it in my own classroom this year!  So let's get to it.....

Line plot graphs are new to 2nd grade this year in the Common Core Standards. According to the standards, not only do students have to create and interpret line plot graphs, but they also have to plot measurements on a line plot graph.  I have taught line plots in 3rd grade, and I know how much review and practice they required.   So, that inspired me to create a series of products that will allow you to review measurement and line plot graphing throughout the whole year!!  Introducing.....Drum roll please........


There is a Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentine's Day, St. Patty's Day, and Easter Line Plot Activity Pack included in this bundle!  I sell these individually for $5, and I sell all 167 pages of the bundle for $20.  If you win the giveaway, you will win the bundle! 

Each one of these Activity Packs (Except the Easter) includes:
  •  Holiday object to measure
  • A table to create after measuring the objects
  • A line plot graph for students to create and display the measurement data
  • A set of questions about the graph
  • A set of differentiated worksheets to use for additional assessment
The Easter one Includes:
  • Egg clipart (you give each student a bag of eggs)
  • A line plot to show how many eggs each student had
  • questions about the graph
  • a set of differentiated worksheets
Each one of these activity sets would be great as a center, but they could also very easily be used as a whole group or small group activity. I am very excited to use these in my own classroom this year, so I am thrilled for some of you to win them and use them as well:)  But....the fun doesn't stop there!!!

Some of my very sweet blogging friends donated some of their own items to my giveaway as well. I have checked out all of these items, and they are fabulous! Make sure you check out all of these awesome blogs as well!   The winners of this giveaway will also win.....


Any ONE item from her TpT Store!


Back to School Power Point Template

To enter all you have to do is leave a comment (with your email address).  I will choose 1 winner on Friday (July 20) using a random number generator.  

Good luck and thank you so much for following my blog:)  I have enjoyed this journey so much already! 

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Catching up.....

Hey guys!  I hope you guys have had a wonderful week!  We have been super busy! We went to visit some family, and then a took a couple of days to do some much needed cleaning and organizing in my house!  I also ran in my very first 10K race!  The Peachtree Road Race is a HUGE race held in Atlanta each Fourth of July!  About 60,000 people participate.  I had not trained very well, but I decided to do it anyway.  It was so much fun. I finished it in the time goal that I set for myself. I ran about half of it, and then ran/walked the rest.  Here is the group of people that I ran it with!  I definitely want to do it again!

Well....I had not been on my blog in about a week!  What a nice surprise to get on and see that I now have 101 followers!!!!  You all are awesome, and I am working on a pretty big give away to celebrate this milestone:) Be on the look out for that in the next week! 

Back to school will be here before we know it!  I went to Wal-Mart yesterday, and they are already putting out school supplies!  Can you believe that?!?   Some of you probably read my post about the back to school gift labels. I blogged about some back to school gift labels to go with a gift for the students at open house.  You can give the students addition or multiplication flash cards with a label that either reads "I hope this ADDS up to be a great year" or "We will have some fun TIMES this year!" Well, I starting thinking this week, "Duh, Britney!  It would have been helpful to create some flashcards to go with these labels"!  I can't believe I didn't think of that before!  This way, instead of buying a set of flashcards for each student, you can just download them from my TpT store!  This way you only spend $5, and you can make as many copies as you need instead of spending about $20 on flashcards for the whole class!  You can download the labels here (they are FREE)and the flash cards here.  I made addition and multiplication flashcards, however, I had some trouble uploading the multiplication ones. The addition cards are on there and ready to download! I will have the multiplication ones up by tomorrow! 

Have a great day everyone:)

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Guest Post!

Hey guys!  I am so excited about this Blog Hop and Swap that's happening today:)  I know you are going to enjoy Tabitha's post!  I think she is sharing such a cute idea!  I will be over at Grade School Giggles posting, so I hope you check that out too!!  Enjoy!

I'm so stoked to be here guest blogging for Britney at Mrs. V's Adventures in Teaching Blog! My name is Tabitha Carro, and I've taught kindergarten and am now teaching 4th grade Spanish immersion in the content areas of math and science.

So, enough intro., as we try to relax and rest this summer, we still can't help the swirl and whirl of ideas that tornado through the back of our heads in preparation for the upcoming school year. I'm not big at writing and explaining new theories and practices in the classroom, which are all great, don't get me wrong. But what I do love to do is create fun and simple activities to keep my students engaged and happy about learning.

So, this is what I've created for you:

It's...a....COOTIE CATCHER!! :p This cootie catcher is created in color and B&W (and in Spanish!) and provides a back-to-school activity for students to get to know each other.

Here's how I plan to use the Spanish one in my classroom next year:

1) I will probably assembly them beforehand instead of having my students do them (instructions are included). Although I've had my students make them before in the past, it takes time, and I'm not sure I feel like pulling out something new that would really require concentration and focus right at the beginning of the year.

2) I will pass one out to each student.

3) Students will randomly go to another person and begin using the cootie catchers to ask get-to-know-you questions (directions are also provided for this part).

4) After five minutes or so, I will sound a timer, and students will need to choose a different partner and continue the activity.

5) Once I see that the activity has served it's purpose, I will stop the activity.

6) With students in their seats, I will go down the roll, naming the children one at a time. Instead of putting that child on the spot, I will actually be putting the rest of the class on the spot. Why is that? Because the rest of the class will need to tell me the information they learned about that specific student while playing with the cootie catchers.

And that's a wrap! Click the following buttons to download where you wish.

I hope this is something you can use and will find helpful as you prepare for the beginning of the next school year.

Thanks so much for the opportunity, Britney!

Here's some other info. about me you may like:

Hope you'll give me a visit sometime!

Tabitha Carro, FlapJack Educational Resources